
Sales Coaching

Enthuse your customers -
Create emotional
engagement -
reach your goals

What I offer:
  • telephone coaching
  • face-to-face coaching
  • to accompany you at your „workplace“ (e.g. when you take calls or visit customers)
  • In one-day or half-day face-to-face workshops (e.g. planning for the year and setting goals).

An analysis of the sales operations with a detailed description of the areas requiring development of individuals, sales teams or of the sales organization will provide you with starting points for the optimization of your sales activities. The scope of the analysis (validity, reliability) depends on how extensive and scientifically-based you want it to be as well as on the agreed framework. Interviews, questionnaires, data analyses, potential analyses, on-site auditing of day-to-day processes as well as hidden test marketing can be arranged.

© 2005 partner for personnel development - hans-peter wellke
eizisried 4, D-87477 sulzberg/allgäu, tel. +49-(0)8376- 92 17 44