Coaching by
Hans-Peter Wellke
- Reflection,
new Perspectives,
Development -
You want to move easily and quickly along the path to your goals - either your personal or professional ones. As your coach I want to enable you to do so. My approach is practical and solution-oriented.
People who have achieved or rediscovered their goals and visions have an inner glow that conveys their personal well-being. This is one of the greatest moments for the clients, the people who surround them and for me as coach. The sparkle in your eyes is what motivates me.
What you can expect from coaching
Coaching - for people on the move
Timing and Venue
Coaching Method
Limits of Coaching
What you can expect from coaching
- improve the quality of your life in your professional and private spheres (when going through inner or outer change or coping with blockages)
- make it an integral component and tool in your professional and personal development
- increase your energy and motivate yourself
- become more self-assured and realize your own personal growth while reflecting on it
Coaching - for people on the move
- business leaders
- managing directors
- entrepreneurs
- project leaders
- private clients
Timing and Venue
Coaching has to be attuned to your needs. Act on a spontaneous decision and book one session or arrange for sessions at regular intervals. Depending on the topic a coaching session lasts between 60-90 minutes or up to several hours if dealt with in a workshop or even as long as a day.
The venue might be at your place of work. If wanted I will accompany you to a point of sales (e.g. sales coaching „on the road“). If you prefer, we arrange to meet privately. The choice is yours and I would be happy to meet you wherever you choose. Let me extend a hearty invitation to join me at our location in Sulzberg near Kempten in the Allgäu, Germany. Many of my clients enjoy and value coaching sessions combined with excursions to the Alpine foothills. They appreciate both the physical and mental distance from their workplace. However, for business leaders and company representatives people with a tight schedule the advantages and possibilities of telephone coaching might be more convenient.
I cooperate throughout Germany and worldwide with other coaches. Together with my colleagues I can thus offer coaching services to companies and their subsidiaries regardless of their locations. I can also introduce you to colleagues of mine who specialize in other coaching techniques.
Coaching Method
My approach is client-centered and our starting point is the client‘s present situation. The methods I use are systemic, client- and solution-focussed and include NLP, TA, clean language as well as my own methods based on my experience as a consultant.
Limits of Coaching
Coaching is not suited for treating illnesses or mental disorders. There may be instances, to be sure, when obvious physical reactions and your momentary moods (not related to an illness) might be integrated into a particular coaching situation. Otherwise, please refer to clinical psychologists, therapists and medical doctors for treatment of mental disorders.